Fertilization recommendations optimized

21 November 2022 - Fertilization Manager

More accurate fertilization with separate soil and crop recommendations

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Cropping plan is key in carbon sequestration

16 September 2022 - Soil Carbon Check

Winter and spring wheat contribute considerably to the build-up of organic carbon, and thus to carbon sequestration in the soil. Unlike wheat, the contribution of flax and onions, on the other hand, is very small. By sequestering carbon in the soil, farmers and growers can earn carbon credits, therefore, to maximize the earning potential it’s important to consider your cropping plan.

Not all water is suitable for irrigation

10 August 2022 - Articles

All over Europe it is very dry. Many growers are forced to use irrigation. If you are going to use irrigation, keep an eye on the quality of the irrigation water. Groundwater can contain salts or iron. And that can be harmful. So have the water tested so you can weigh up the risks of drought stress and damage.

Feed hay or haylage to your horse?

5 August 2022 - Livestock

Good dry hay is stable and can be stored for a long time. Too high a moisture content in both hay and haylage creates a risk of fungal and bacterial growth with health risks for your horse. Bales of pre-dry grass should be packed airtight to ensure good quality.

What field to irrigate first? pF curve helps!

18 July 2022 - Fertilization Manager

The pF curve on the Fertilization Manager report provides a guideline for irrigation. What field has the smallest water holding capacity and should be irrigated first? How much water should be given at once?

Rain triggers mineralization

25 May 2022

After a long period of drought, it has started raining again in some places! What happens to the nutrients in the soil?

Nematodes in grassland and maize often underestimated

19 April 2022 - Articles

Nematodes occur everywhere, including in grass and maize. In a grass-maize rotation high densities of harmful nematodes may have built up quite unnoticed.

Sulfur: just enough is the trick

19 April 2022 - Livestock

Sulfur (S) is an important nutrient for both grass and cows. Too little leads to deficiencies and yield losses. Too much leads to cows not being able to absorb enough trace elements. Soil Check and FreshGrass Check help with this.

Do not lime too soon after fertilization

19 April 2022 - Fertilization Manager

The pH on maize land usually drops much faster than on grassland. Often the low pH is not detected until late. Lime at the right time and take into account earlier fertilization. This way you will get the most out of the lime.

Are your cows getting enough phosphate?

7 April 2022 - Livestock

For healthy cows, it is important that the roughage contains sufficient nutrients. The condition of the soil and the nutrient content of the manure determine how much nutrients grass can absorb.