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The chemical composition of water is essential in determining the correct fertilisation plan, as optimal growing conditions ensure optimal quality and yield. Good and sufficient water is the basic requirement.

For all crops, irrigation water should contain limited amounts of sodium and chlorine. In addition, the EC should not be too high. Damage thresholds depend on the crop, growing medium, etc.

If recirculation is used, harmful substances can accumulate in the water. In addition, drippers should not be blocked by contamination, and pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses should not be (re)circulated.

Record water quality by analysing:

  • the initial water in the tank, osmosis water, surface water, tap water
  • the nutrient solution and drain water (to fine-tune fertilisation)
  • the operation of the disinfection system (ozone, UV, etc.).


Basic chemical water analyses consists of the following parameters: 

pH, EC, NH4, K, Na, Ca, Mg, NO3, Cl, S, HCO3, P, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Mo, Si.

Depending on the purpose of use additional parameters are available.

Chemical Analyses

Drain-/slabwaterCheck Basic analysis
DripwaterCheck Basic analysis
BasicwaterCheck Basic analysis + total and temporary hardness of water

Basic analysis, Fe-total + total and temporary hardness of water.

Additional: N-area, Al, F

PurificationCheck Waste water analyses and broad pesticide analysis
Methane CH4 in well water
Heavy metals Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Al, Ba, Co, Mo


Biological analyses

DisinfectorCheck Before and after disinfector (number of bacteria and fungi) and total number of fungi
DNA Multiscan Common plant pathogens
PlantDoctor Virus, fungi and bacteria
Human pathogens E. coli, coliformen, enterococcen
Soil Life Monitor Microbial biomass, total bacteria, gram+ bacteria, gram- bacteria, actinomycetes, total fungi, arbuscular mycorrhiza, protozoa, fungus-to-bacteria ratio, gram+/gram- ratio, Shannon-Wiener index
Microbiome Analysis of all known fungi and bacteria via DNA NGS technique


More information

Name Date File
Brochure Explanation Report 24-01-2021
Brochure Water 11-06-2024
Example Water - Basic [code 610} 11-06-2023
Example Water - Drain [code 510] 11-06-2023
Example Water - Drip [code 515] 25-01-2021
Example Water - Basic + FeTotal [code 612] 14-02-2021
Example Water - Well [code 612] 25-01-2021
Manual Nutrient Solutions 15-08-2024


Eurofins Agro analyses samples according to prescribed and established methods. The analysis report briefly describes the method. Here you can also see which method has been accredited by the Accreditation Council. We then put a Q after the method.

The pdf below (in Dutch) contains a detailed description of the methods. This document supplements the information on the analysis report.

Read pdf >